Dispute resolution
Our dispute resolution services include:
Property disputes
Landlord/tenant disputes
Will, trust and inheritance disputes
There are many ways to solve a dispute, and court proceedings should only be considered as a last resort. Where possible, we will help you to negotiate in an attempt to resolve the dispute without the cost and the stress of court.
Sometimes court cannot be avoided and in these circumstances we will assist you navigate the often stressful and complicated process of getting a hearing and attending a trial.
Property disputes
If you’re involved in a dispute over property, including disputes with a landlord or a tenant, or a neighbour or family member, we can help you reach a quick and successful resolution. Sometimes, despite good relations disputes cannot be avoided.
Such disputes may take various forms, such as someone claiming ownership or rights over your land or somebody denying your rights of way, access, water or sewerage over their land or disputes relating to covenants, overages or rights of pre-emption. There may be disputes about the boundaries between the two properties, a right of way, nuisance issues or the need to enter onto another person’s land in order to carry out works to your own building.
Offering constructive and practical advice based on experience and a deep knowledge and understanding of property, we will steer you through the dispute.
Wills, trusts and inheritance disputes
There are a variety of disputes involving wills, trusts and estates including:
contesting a will
defending a will
disputes over how a trust is being run
an executor or beneficiary involved in a contentious probate or inheritance dispute; or
making a claim for financial provision under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.
There are often very strict time limits when looking to contest a will, trust or estate. We will give you straightforward, clear legal advice and support you every step of the process.
How much will it cost?
For most clients who become involved in legal disputes one of their principal concerns is costs.
The cost of legal proceedings can be very high and we believe that it is important therefore to try and achieve a solution or settlement which will minimise the client’s exposure to costs, whilst achieving an acceptable outcome for the client.
When seeking to resolve a dispute through the legal process the client has to be aware of not only their liability for the costs of their solicitor, but their potential liability for the costs of the other party in the event that they are unsuccessful.
The subject of costs is a difficult one, but one which we seek to address with the client at the outset.
We will provide you with a cost estimate at the outset and this estimate will be updated as the case proceeds. We will also explain your potential liability in respect of the other party’s costs and how best this potential liability can be minimised.
Funding options
Many clients will feel reluctant to take legal proceedings because their financial resources are such that they simply cannot afford to do so.
In order to support our clients in pursuing deserving cases we have a number of funding options which may assist, including:
Enter into a Conditional Fee Agreements (commonly known to as "no win no fee").
Arrange After the Event insurance to cover you in the event you were responsible for the other party's costs and own disbursements.
Enter into a Damages based Agreement with you whereby we will pursue the claim for you without charge but if you win, we receive an agreed percentage of any damages recovered. The losing opponent is still liable for your legal costs but you will be responsible for any shortfall between the agreed percentage and costs recovered from your opponent. If you lose, you will not pay any legal fees to us although you may be liable for your own expenses and the winner’s legal costs, subject to any insurance you have taken out.
The litigation funding options above may not all be available to you. We will advise you which options are available to you which will depend on the particular circumstances of your case and agree with you the most appropriate option.
We aim to deliver to our clients transparent pricing, clear estimates and regular updates. These assist not only in managing your cash flow but also in assessing the commercial risk for you or your business from the outset.
Contact Rachel or Edward for further information
Call us on 01558 678 009
Email us at hello@carreglaw.co.uk
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